yoyoyo! It's been a minute, a lot of yall are new- so I'll catch you up here.

Currently, my main mission is to bring zines back! I'm a scrap apologist and I am tired of the "illustration compilations" that zines have become, so we have two zines right on the horizon- the first is a Starfox project called Starzine64!
I recently graduated from SCAD and now I am on the road, been staying in Providence RI for a whole month while I finish this up. It's got work from some great guys. You all are gonna love it. It's a compilation of sketchbook scraps, 3D model bullshit, memes, and REALLY good comics. Fans of Melee in particular are gonna love it.
Next up is my Sonic zine. This one is really personal and headcanon heavy.

This one is made only by myself, and I think that's how I'm gonna do most of my zines. I have been working on this thing for around half a year now... meant to do it in a month. Crazy how that happens.
Theres a third zine on the horizon as well but it's just a sketch and comic compilation of my work from the past year. Dunno what I'm gonna do with it yet.